Thursday, 29 July 2010

Random Hartlepool Memories

Random Memories from Park Road & Hartlepool (I'm sure you could add your own)

- Tea on a Trolley on Sunday

- School uniforms on the banister on Monday morning

- Cornflakes scooped from a Tupperware box

- Packed lunches & Orange curd sandwiches – (Sandwich Spread)

- Union rate negotiated pocket money

- Grandma’s Easter Eggs

- Train journey’s ending at Burton-on-Trent for Nana’s

- House swaps with the Clark family

- Grandma’s TV coming downstairs for Christmas

- Taking Grandma back to Shawmills in the spring

- Graduating from one bedroom to the next as the house emptied

- The Siva’s, Bolan’s and Whites and of course Margaret Clark as neighbours

- The brick built barbecue and bonfires down the garden

- Taking the table through the window and down the garden for an outside tea or dinner and those checkered table cloths and table clips

- The then seemingly long walk to St Joseph’s school

- Beach picnics at the Blue Lagoon

- Picnics in “the fields” and walk through to Dalton Piercy

- Nana’s visits and the chocolate & mint cake

- Tim’s War Board

- No TV

- Middleton Grange Shopping Centre and the curly ramp before the roof

- Clare’s 18th at Foxy’s nightclub

- Christmas Cards on string – everywhere

- York Road Pet Shop

- Postcards collected and on display for a whole year

- Murphy

- Sunderland for Basketball on Sunday’s by train

- Tommy the butcher who seemed to know us all personally on the way home from school

- Old Asda & Fine Fare

- Dyke House School for swimming lessons

- The Headland for carnival & school band on a truck

- The Hartlepool Show

- The Raft Race & flying birdman from the Pier

- The Blacksmith’s forge at Hartlepool museum

- Hartlepool emulates Liverpool with Dock Rock

- Radio 1 Roadshow’s at Seaton Carew (Peter Powell I seem to recall)

- Binns

- The Old Library at Church Street

- Family Sports Days at English Martyrs

- The coal fired boiler in the kitchen

- The coal bunker

- Fudge the Rabbit

- Sunday best for Church

- The round copper topped table

- Turkey Soup

- Climbing the cherry tree

- Quince Jelly

- The Heap

- Fr Croghan (at anytime of day or night)

- Pilchards

- Home made chips

- Scraps from the chippy

- The six o’clock big ben bong’s on Radio 4 and the Shipping Forecast with tea

- Bunk Beds

- The Sunderland & Shields Building Society

- Francis the goldfish

- Plastic Milk Tokens

- New windows in the attic room

- Bread tags on bicycle cables

- Viva, Viva, Lada, Peugeot (7 seater), Rover, Rover, Peugeot, Peugeot, Renault

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