Wednesday 28 July 2010

Keilder Water

Don't know if anyone else recalls this event. (Only photo I could find.) It's the only time I recall carving a turkey by a reservoir!!



  1. I do remember this. As I recall it was Easter lunch and Mum had the table all ready to eat when Dad suggested a picnic at Keilder. So we packed it all up and went to the forest. I seem to remember that it rained.... and we stopped for photos at the some sort of border but I don't think that makes any geographical sense does it??

  2. It makes perfect sense as after Easter Sunday Lunch at the reservoir, we went even further north to go to the Scottish border, because we were part way there, so why not!

    I seem to recall a couple of car loads at least, with Clare's old brown Chrysler estate being one as well as the rover in the picture.

  3. Good memories! I remember we carved up a whole turkey for our picnic. MAB
    # My first ever blog ... after two goes at it!
